Friday, September 18, 2009

Why I am not so enamored with the Republican Right anymore....

Ok, I'll admit it. I used to be a right-wing fanatical talk show addict... I've even called in and talked to some of the big guys... O'Reilly and Hannity in particular... Now I'm having a hard time stomaching their screaming vitriol.

(Quick sideline... I looked up vitriol to make sure I was spelling it correctly and using it correctly. Here's the link: Isn't it interesting that the second definition is sulfuric acid and the third is something highly caustic or severe in effect, as in criticism. Hmmmm.....ponder with me for a second, would you?)

And the Left is just as vitriolic.

Where is the polite discussion? Why are we so polarized as a nation? Why are we so quick to believe what is being spewed on the airwaves by either side?

I'll be honest again and say that I voted for McCain/Palin. I liked their policies better than I liked Obama's. However, I'll also be honest and say that there are times where I wish I could tell my two youngest sons that I voted for Obama. See, to them, they simply see the first black American president. And to them, that is reason enough.

I've decided now that I need a third party to choose from. One that is fiscally conservative, but socially just. I can't say that of either of the two parties we currently have.

Here's another political musing for you.

Democrat - derived from the Greek word demokratia - essentially means a proponent of government by the people

Republican - derived from the Latin rēspūblica and means a proponent of government of the people

I found this interesting too. It's from The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. Republic - A form of government in which power is explicitly vested in the people, who in turn exercise their power through elected representatives. Today, the terms republic and democracy are virtually interchangeable, but historically the two differed. Democracy implied direct rule by the people, all of whom were equal, whereas republic implied a system of government in which the will of the people was mediated by representatives, who might be wiser and better educated than the average person. In the early American republic, for example, the requirement that voters own property and the establishment of institutions such as the Electoral College were intended to cushion the government from the direct expression of the popular will.

I also looked into these two philosophies:

Libertarian - The libertarian, or "classical liberal," perspective is that individual well-being, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by "as much liberty as possible" and "as little government as necessary. Hmmm, that's somewhat interesting.

Christian Democratic - They could loosely be described as "compassionate conservatives", socially conservative and fiscally moderate to liberal. In some respects they are the opposite of the Libertarian Party. They generally follow Christian moral principles and so are against abortion and for human rights. Hmmm, also interesting...

So what's a mom to do? I have no idea.... yet.... any suggestions?

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